Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mom and Dad Come For a Visit

There's nothing like having Mom and Dad visit to bring comfort when comfort is needed.*  After all, they were the first ones who would hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay.  Fast forward a great number of years and we get to Thursday, October 3rd through the 6th, 2013.  Mom and Dad come for a visit bringing their love, hugs, and encouragement to boost my weary self. 

As many of you know, my job is tough.  The first month I seriously questioned whether I would make it through the school year.  My calling is not babysitting middle schoolers or running a detention program.  I was doing very little teaching. Now after six weeks I can truthfully say it's getting better.  Each day I get encouraging glimpses of what this school year can become. 

So with that said, having my parents come was wonderful - not just for me, but for my family.  Griffin got lots of "grandpa" time which made both of them happy.  Mom and I talked recipes.  Faith spent less time on her ipod.  Vaughn got advice on home repairs.  We even squeezed in a breakfast at Tolly's.

It's never easy to say good-bye, especially when we probably won't see them until Christmas, but I'm still glad they made the trek to Sutherlin.  Thanks Mom and Dad!

*I want to clarify that the love and support of my husband, kids and even church family are AWESOME!  It's just that sometimes I go back to that little girl who needs her mommy and daddy.

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