Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Move Across Town

Moving day came on Saturday, April 6th! We were blessed to have friends: Devin, Steve, Bea and Mike helping us. Unfortunately Vaughn's back didn't do so well that day, and he was in a lot of pain. The storage unit and most of the apartment were emptied. Our new garage is FULL of stuff we'll probably be going through it until summer.

We had to have everything out of the apartment and cleaned by 5pm on Wednesday the 10th. This was a major challenge as Vaughn was still recovering from his sore back, and I work full time. It did get done, (Thanks to my parents for graciously helping us load up the remnants and getting them to the house. They were visiting over night to bring us a few things that didn't fit in June.) but boy was I tired last week!
Faith and her buddies taking a break on the porch swing

They are silly but lovable
So glad it doesn't look like this anymore!

What a disaster, but the TV is hooked up!

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