Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mystery of the Peace Poster

In October, Faith, through her art class, prepared to enter a peace poster contest.  She worked really hard on coming up with a unique design as you can see below.  However, when it came time to turn in her poster, it had disappeared!  She was quite disappointed and concerned because that also meant her teacher had nothing to grade.  It didn't turn up, but because her art teacher had seen her work on it, he didn't allow it to affect her grade.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago when Faith and I were in the public library.  As we walked into the children's section, Faith exclaimed, "There's my peace poster!"  It was up on the wall with several other posters.  We don't know the story of how it got there, but we're just glad it showed up! 
Can you identify the various landmarks?

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