Saturday, October 13, 2012

Homecoming 2012

This week was fun but exhausting!  I've decided that high school students during homecoming week are a lot like middle schoolers.  It wasn't an easy week in the classroom, but it did have moments of fun and entertainment!  There were a couple of assemblies with events that I would've liked to have tried at GFMS for pep assemblies.  The staff was told by the principal that if we dressed up this week that he'd have Pagotti's lasagna for us on Friday.  The lasagna was tasty and a nice way to end the busy week.
Friday was "toga day" so I grabbed my white sheet and added a belt.  So original!

Last night we went to the Sutherlin vs. South Umpqua football game. (I forgot my camera!) It rained, but we were under cover in the very small stadium - smaller than Granite Falls'!  This is the first time I've lived in the town I'm teaching in.  In Granite Falls and even Snohomish, I didn't want to drive back after a long day for a homecoming game or concert.  Since we're five minutes away from the high school, it's now not a big deal. 

It was fun to see my students at the game and in the football game.  We left at the beginning of the fourth quarter - it was getting late for Griffin.  Even then the score was 36 to 6 with SHS dominating the game! (However, this was only their second "win" of the season thus far.)  Faith hung out with her friend, Sara and had a blast making the rounds around the stadium and concession stand.

To remind us we live in a somehwhat rural area, as we were leaving the campus, a couple deer went bounding by next to our van.  And here I was watching for the turkeys!

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