Saturday, September 1, 2012


I try to be a patient person, but it sure is hard sometimes!  I know from experience that God has great things in store for me and my family, but it's the waiting that really gets me down!  We are getting closer to closing on our Marysville house, but we're not there yet.  Waiting.  I applied for an interesting job, but haven't heard anything. Waiting.  We are still living in an apartment.  Waiting.

Okay - enough whining about waiting!

School starts Tuesday in Sutherlin!  We've met Griffin's third grade teacher and she seems like a good fit for Griffin.  Time will tell.  One interesting thing we noticed when visiting his new classroom, is that they use tables not desks.  Since keeping his desk clean last year was a struggle, it will be interesting to see how sharing a table with five other students works!

I can tell Faith is nervous-excited.  I think she just wants to get the first day over with so she can become familiar with her school, teachers and classmates.  I'm excited for her to attend a smaller school.

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