Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Our second camp started on Monday, August 6th.  Vaughn headed out first thing in the morning, because he was supposed to help with setup.  The kids and I waited until afternoon registration started to arrive.  Fir Point Camp is an independently run Christian camp, and they have their own camps.  When those aren't going on, other groups like the Oregon Conference of the FM Church rent it.  There were two camps going on at the same time; the youth camp for grades 6-10 and a kids camp for grades 3-5.   Faith attended the youth camp, and Griffin, kids camp.  This was strange for Vaughn and I because the kids stayed in cabins with kids their own ages and had cabin leaders in charge of them.  A late '80s 25+ foot travel trailer was Vaughn's and my "cabin" for the week.  We were told that we had the luxury accomodations this year - it had air conditioning!  Vaughn and I had three assignments for the week, 1) help with dinner, which meant being in the kitchen by 2:30pm each afternoon and working until around 8pm. 2) observe both camps, looking for how we'd like to be involved next year and 3) help where needed.  Vaughn also played guitar with the worship band in the evenings at the youth camp.  He gained a lot of good experience.  My favorite part of the camp was when Vaughn and I helped by leading games at the kids camp. 

Friday morning, Klaus, who had been staying with Clyde, a friend from church, appeared with him at camp.  (Clyde's wife, Emily had been helping all week.)  It was a joyous reunion!  When the camp ended early afternoon, the kids and I were ready to get home to our apartment.  Vaughn stayed and helped pack up the massive amounts of stuff used each year for camp.  It gets stored at our church.

Griffin listening to the Bible story of the day

Griffin made it through the obstacle course the cleanest of anyone

Playing a unique version of "tag" with kids camp

Faith running during "water war" day

The ultimate slip-n-slide

Vaughn playing his "music"

The grill master in the teddy bear apron

Yep, we're in the right place!

Swimming time was a favorite of both kids

Vaughn cracking a lot of eggs for the next morning's french toast batter.

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