Monday, November 18, 2013

Valuable Volunteer Hours

November is a special month of service for Griffin's Scout Troop.  Two Saturdays ago, he and I helped deliver paper bags to the houses in our neighborhood and another nearby.  The paper bags were left on the doorsteps with a note attached letting the homeowners know of the food drive for the Sutherlin/Oakland Food Pantry.  All people had to do was place donated food items in their bag then place it on their doorstep the following Saturday morning.

The boys do a lot of walking, but they understand the importance of helping others (with a few reminders).

On Monday the 11th we were in Roseburg for the annual Veterans' Day Parade.  This year Faith and I found a place to watch the parade while Vaughn walked in the parade with Griffin.  It's not the most spectacular parade, but it's very meaningful.  This year all of the Boy Scouts of Douglas County marched in the parade together.  It was fun to see them as one big group, and I think it was encouraging for the boys too.  Our troop is small, so it was fun for them to see so many like them.

A few days ago, Vaughn and Griffin returned to pick up the filled bags for the food drive.  We had better participation than last year so that was encouraging.

Faith has not inherited my enjoyment of parades.

It's not a parade without some classic cars!  This Chevy was especially beautiful!

Troop 143

Vaughn and Griffin got good exercise that day!

My handsome Scout

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

October 31st was a busy day!  YMS's first pep assembly occurred and was a big hit!  We had relays, a drawing for gift cards, and a staff vs. students volleyball game. 
Once home, it was time to get ready for the Second Annual Calapooia FMC Trunk and Treat.  This year we had twice as many people which was very exciting!  We're praying that with each outreach event and contact that families will come and try our church out.  Even better than that is they make CFMC their church home.
The weather was amazing!  It wasn't cold, and there wasn't a drop of rain! Here are a few pictures...
We had a loop of trunks.  Visitors parked in the main parking lot, then walked to the parking behind the church building for the trunk and treating.  The door to the fellowship hall was open where the  popcorn, punch, cookies, face painting and of course, "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" playing nonstop were located.

It's lame I know, but hey I borrowed the little pumpkins so my van wasn't too blah.

My biker dude.  He tried to look tough, but was just too adorable!

Our little Frodo (from "Lord of the Rings")

Super cute Minnie Mouse who designed and crafted her own costume!

I dressed up as a mean middle school teacher, so we didn't need a picture of that!  :-)